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The Uisce Éireann Water Stewardship Accelerator

Complementary one-to-one support workshop for large water users in water stressed areas. Register your interest for the workshop below and we will respond to confirm eligibility.

Uisce Éireann in collaboration with 20FIFTY Partners and Water Stewardship Ireland has launched a Water Stewardship Accelerator Programme to foster water resilience and sustainability among businesses in Ireland.


Water scarcity poses a significant challenge to industries across Ireland, especially in areas of high demand.
Water scarcity can also emerge from and affect water quality issues, when pollution leads to reduced clean water availability. As stewards of our national water resources, businesses play a crucial role in safeguarding this vital resource.

Developed for cross-disciplinary teams from businesses with significant water use, the programme includes a funded on-site water sustainability and resilience workshop that will assist sites in better planning to address current and future water-related challenges. Areas to be explored in the workshop include:

  • Understanding demand management issues and solutions;
  • Planning for evolving regulatory drivers and charging frameworks;
  • Recognising water-related impacts, risks, and opportunities;
  • Navigating water-related disclosure standards and frameworks; and
  • Identifying available funding from Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, and others to support business action on water.

The workshop is funded by Uisce Éireann. Eligible companies with an annual consumption equal to or greater than 20,000 m3 can register here for the on-site workshop and we will respond to confirm eligibility.